The last 5 days have been a crazy whirlwind of excitement. Messages, Social Media Notifications, Article after Article linking back to this blog, showing off my baby girl. I’m still at awe at how many people are interested in something so simple… a birthday message for a man who makes our lives better every single day. But, there are always those people who try to spoil something sweet. For every 5 “aww”s and “she’s so cute”s, there’s a rude, obnoxious comment. The most hysterical one so far? “This is America, she should be saying Dad” comments.
Listen people, if you feel this way, you should just stop reading now. I’m over it. I’m done. If you want to live in a world with no culture, no diversity and a lack of tradition that’s fine by me… here, let me direct you to a nice boulder somewhere for which you can build a home and a community under. You and your closed minded buddies can all just go live there, under that rock, where you’ve probably been for the last 15 years or so. And there, you all can have meetings and rallies and make signs, and keep your bigotry and hate to yourselves.
Because after all, that’s what you’re trying to promote right? People staying to themselves, people staying with their own kind. Because I have some news that may be quite shocking to you… something that I know might shatter your whole world to have to come to terms with: The Hispanic Culture isn’t going anywhere.
Now, people who know me personally, know my parents are both American. I’m pretty sure my Dad is the only White person left in Hialeah (<— there’s a link there for you that aren’t familiar with this little Cuban Sanctuary). When I was 8, my mom married a Cuban man, and my introduction to the Latin world began. I suddenly gained an Abuela & an Abuelo. I learned that instead of just Christmas Morning we now have Noche Buena and the holiday was suddenly extended an extra day. And, primarily due to my nosiness and need to be in everyone’s business, I began learning Spanish. I may not have been born into the Hispanic Community, but I grew up immersed in it. In college at the University of Florida, I actually worked at a restaurant called Virtually Cuban. My friends would joke with me CONSTANTLY that it fit me perfectly because that’s exactly what I was.
If it wasn’t already obvious, Javy is Colombian. One of the original reasons the video was uploaded was because I knew his family all over the world, who can’t live here with us, would like to see how much she loves her Papi. When the time comes for Alexandria to travel to Colombia, or Spain, you better believe I want her to be able to communicate with her family. Her Colombian Culture will ALWAYS be important, it has been since birth.
And it will be, for the rest of her life.
I was lucky enough to grow up in a community in South Florida where I had friends who were from all over the world. I joke all the time that our group of friends is a branch meeting of the United Nations: Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, England, China, the Philippines, Argentina, Nigeria… So, to play devils advocate, I can totally understand how someones fear of another culture could push them to hate. People are always scared of what they don’t know, it’s human nature. It’s part of our will to survive. Early Man would come across something they’ve never seen before and run from it – because that was safest. But in today’s world, where we’re not hunting and gathering to survive, this fear should be replaced with curiosity.
Instead of shying away from all that is unknown, why not try to understand? Why not try to learn? Why not try to adapt? You don’t think most of the people who come to this country try REALLY hard to assimilate into American Culture? Most learn English. I have multiple children in my class who have only been in this country for a year or so, and are working so hard to learn the language. It’s all about adapting to your environment.
Because unfortunately, if you don’t, you’re going to be all by yourself in that little town under the rock. In California, it is projected that Hispanics will be the new majority in 2014. And in the United States, Hispanic People will probably be the majority in 2043. Pretty soon, you’re going to have a Nation full of bilingual and multilingual individuals, and you’re going to be all by your lonesome.
The best part about all of this? My faith in humanity was restored yesterday. While the negative comments were flooding in, I tried my hardest to ignore them but they bothered me. Some were downright hilarious, like how Alex should be in Speech Therapy… seriously guys, she’s 27 months old. Your Speech Therapist License should be evaluated. But I digress.
As the negative comments came in, the internet fought back. Person after Person downvoted, or responded to the comments standing up for my little girl. Supporting our decision to raise her bilingual, and encourage further cultural diversity in the world. People lashed out about their ignorance. Users were forced to continuously defend themselves from their lonely hatefilled island they had put themselves on. Most erased their comments or just gave up. But knowing that so many people had our backs and we didn’t have to respond meant the world to me. And it will mean the world to Alexandria when she’s old enough to understand.
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Haters gonna hate! Well said, my dear. Very well done.
From you, that’s like a Grammy. <3
I am a Latina…half white, half mexican. I am proud of who i am, no doubt your beautiful little girl will grow up to love and embrace who she is. You are doing great! I LOVED your video. Matter of fact i saved it as a favorite to watch it when i am having a rough day cos it is just too sweet. Let the haters hate. Regardless of race, religion, culture, what we dont or will do there will always be haters/negative nancys. I am beyond faithful that you will raise Alexandria to be an open minded woman. I am happy i found the video and now your blog. I am now a subscriber. PLEASE make more videos and keep doing you!
Thanks for your nice words – it’s such a crazy thought to think that something so simple has made so many people smile! And you’re absolutely right. It’s best to just let them slide right off – but I had to get this off my chest! Comment after comment full of ignorance and exclusionary sentiments just pushed me over the edge! I think I’ll try to keep it together a little more though haha. Everyone keeps asking for more videos, but to be honest, I don’t just want to make more videos just to make them. What made this one so special is because it had so much meaning behind it and was a genuine moment… we’ll see which moment i catch next. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and becoming a subscriber!!! I’m so excited to share our life with so many new people – with new thoughts, ideas and fun things to contribute to One for the Honey. 🙂
OH come on, those comments are just so stupid and nonsense!
I am uruguayan, this country was almost all built by immigrants who came here during the two world wars, the neighbourhood i was raised in was like THE place for all this people who came, all from different places in europe, and since then we, their children, grand children and great grand children, have been learning their culture and language. Going to any friend’s home and eating different, all new to me food, listening to unknown music, learning to dance typical dances, all that was plain awesome!!
Their culture is the most important heritage they left and that is the heritage we have to care for, because that’s our identity, that’s who we are, wherever we go we have to take it, share it proudly. I think it’s the most dis-honorable thing to forget your roots and deny them to your children, that said, i think it’s just so stupid to raise a kid like a “full-american” if that even exists, when he or she has rich culture behind that no one should deny or devalue.
The world is enormous and full of so many rich cultures, why not embracing your own, sharing with the world and letting others share theirs with you? I can’t think of any more fun!
This is amazing! I totally agree!!! You make wonderful points! Beautifully written! Do you leave in the US, or are you in Uruguay?
You are amazing. 🙂
You know I see those asinine comments left on Youtube and I can’t help but picture some poor little pimply 14 yr old trying to blow off some aggression by spewing the most ridiculous hateful thing he can think to type in an attempt to get some attention\ a reaction. It’s usually so senseless\downright dumb that I can’t even get bothered by it in spite of all their effort.
Thanks for the nice words Cacey. 🙂
My dad is Hispanic and my mom is white. My two sisters and I have never known of another name to call our dad except for Papi. He will always be Papi to us and when we have children of our own we have all said we want them to call him Abuelo. The Happy Birthday Papi video came out the day after my Papi’s birthday. I played it for him and told him I only wished I were this cute and could make such a precious video as that for his birthday. We are fans of the videos and of your little family. The Chech is TOO CUTE!
Just wanted to give a friendly ‘hello’ from a fan. Oh, and keep making videos of your precious baby!!
God Bless 🙂
My father speaks German. He was born in Houston. My husband is Cajun French. I took seven years of Spanish in school. When we left Louisiana, my daughter thought it was weird not to hear French in Walmart. That’s the America we live in. You’re daughter is precious. Ignore the morons.