So this Mom right here, this Mom, she totally dropped the ball on Easter. No church plans. No baskets made. No Easter dresses. I shot a 11 hour Beach Wedding on Saturday and I didn’t even get to stuff the eggs until well after midnight. You know, “drop the ball” kind of Mom things.
… and it all worked out fine. My amazing little brother surprised me with some badass Easter Baskets he made himself, and handed them to me at midnight and immediately calmed my anxiety. When the kids woke up and saw them, they FREAKED – Chech even asked if she could write the Easter Bunny a Thank You card!
Best part – we got our Easter dresses!
Then… they were OFF!
After naps, we spent the afternoon at Naunie’s hunting even MORE eggs… these kids made out pretty well.
The Easter Bunny at Naunie’s house put carrots in some of the eggs – Mimi was not amused.
What a wonderful day with family. <3
Your posts, your children and you…always make me smile.
Aww thanks Lori!! ❤️
You are the best Mom and I wish I was your kid! I love the way you write!
Elyse recently posted…Easter 2017
Lol Elyse! You’re a nice lady – I could use some grammar help sometimes though, lol