I’m working in the evening now at a local restaurant to earn some extra money… Most of you know I’m a small business owner (www.amarticus.com) – I’m trying so hard to build my media & photography business – but sometimes the clients just aren’t there. So, I now have a family to take care of so a mommy’s gotta do what a mommy’s got to do.
The last 7 days have consisted of me running around a restaurant in a silly chef’s coat & non-slip shoes… shifts starting at 2:30pm, were ending at 12. yes 12. midnight. Have I mentioned yet that Alexandria wakes up at 6:30am? Needless to say – I’ve missed the heck out of this little girl. Every day I drop her off at her Abuela’s house and I don’t see her until 6:30am. I’ve missed out on so many goodnights, kisses, cuddles, head rubs and most importantly, I’ve missed out on 7 renditions of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Don’t ask me why, or how this has happened – but turns out the quickest way to put her to sleep is to sing to her. And last night, she stayed up JUST long enough for mommy to get home.
Drowsy and exhausted from playing with her boyfriend all night while their daddy’s watched the Heat Game, I hopped out of the shower to a perfectly sleepy chechalicious face.
I scooped her up, and carefully got into bed to snuggle. “Twinkle, Twinkle little star”, I began, “how I wonder what you aaaare”. Alexandria rolls on to her side and stares at my face. “Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky”. Eyes close. “Twinkle Twinkle, little star” she grabs onto my finger. “How I wonder what you are.” lights out.
That 30 second song was my Kairos of the last 7 days. I’ve worked so hard, at home dealin with family drama, in both my business and at the restaurant, trying to figure out what my new schedule is going to be. How my new life is going to fall in to place. All of that felt hundreds of miles away as I laid next to my baby girl and just listened to her breathe her squeaky little breath.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. <3
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Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy the special moments you have with your little one. They grow up so fast. I love your posts!